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Time To Celebrate...National Soft Ice Cream Day – The Delightful Laugh

Time To Celebrate…National Soft Ice Cream Day

Good Morning Jamokes, it’s Wednesday August 19, 2020!

As it is every August 19th, today is National Soft Ice Cream Day!

flavor burst soft serve

On Memorial Day Weekend in 1934, Tom Carvel (does that name sound familiar?) got a flat tire on his ice cream truck. He noticed that his hard ice cream was softening, so he started selling that to passers-by. Much to his surprise, it sold well, and they loved it! Two years later, on that exact site, Carvel opened his first ice cream store, selling soft serve ice cream. The main differences between soft and hard ice cream are that soft ice cream has less milk fat and more ice cream, as opposed to hard ice cream.

LA Soft Serve

It’s the middle of summer, and it’s going to be beautiful today, this is the perfect mix to celebrate National Soft Ice Cream Day. Personally, I’m a big fan of classic chocolate/vanilla twist, and will certainly be celebrating appropriately today.

choc vanilla twist

Hey kids, get a cone of your favorite soft serve, and I’ll see you tomorrow, when it’s time to celebrate…