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Time To Celebrate...National Pigs In A Blanket Day – The Delightful Laugh

Time To Celebrate…National Pigs In A Blanket Day

Good Morning Jamokes, it’s Wednesday April 24, 2019!

As it is every April 24th, today is National Pigs in a Blanket Day!

mummy pigs in a blanket

Pigs in a blanket…a simple dish to prepare, but delicious nonetheless. For you uncultured swines out there, a pig in a blanket is the commonly used term for a mini hot dog or sausage wrapped and baked in dough. It’s also been an appetizer staple of my Italian and Jewish family’s meals for as long as I can remember. Other fun pigs in a blanket facts include:

  • Pigs in blankets can be traced all the way back to 1957’s Betty Crocker’s Cooking for Kids
  • They are also known in other circles as devils on horseback, kilted sausages, and wiener winks
  • They are really done right in the UK, where pigs in blankets are actually mini sausages wrapped in bacon
uk pigs in a blanket
+1 for the United Kingdom

Hey kids, go crush a box of Hebrew National guys, and I’ll see you tomorrow, when it’s time to celebrate…