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Time To Celebrate...National Nurses Day – The Delightful Laugh

Time To Celebrate…National Nurses Day

Good Morning Jamokes, it’s Thursday May 6, 2021!

As it is every May 6th, today is National Nurses Day!

nurse doing work

National Nurses Day always begins National Nurses WeekNational Nurses Week ends on May 12, which coincides with the birthday of Florence Nightingale, who is recognized as the founder of modern nursing. During the Crimean War, Nightingale became known as “The Lady with the Lamp,” as she routinely made rounds at night, checking on her patients.

florence nightingale
Florence Nightingale

Doctors and first responders are somewhat regularly recognized for what they do, however nurses don’t always get their just due. While other people in medical offices and hospitals put in a great effort, nurses are routinely the ones doing the grunt work, for lack of a better term. One positive to come out of this coronavirus shit is that it appears the tide is changing, and people are recognizing the nurses, as well as their colleagues, for their front line work.

nurses coronavirus

Hey kids, thank a nurse, and I’ll see you tomorrow, when it’s time to celebrate…