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Time To Celebrate...National Garlic Day – The Delightful Laugh

Time To Celebrate…National Garlic Day

Good Morning Jamokes, it’s Friday April 19, 2019!

As it is every April 19th, today is National Garlic Day!

chopped garlic

Ahhhh yesssss, another national day tailored to me!! Being a good Italian boy, I know my way around a bulb of garlic. Whether I’m meal prepping, or attempting to fight a cold, I’m consuming garlic in some way, close to every day.  While garlic is obviously delicious, it has many health benefits as well. As I previously mentioned, garlic can be used to fight colds, most notably by roasting an entire bulb, then inhaling the scent. Other positive health effects include:

  • lowering cholesterol
  • reducing blood pressure
  • boosts metabolism
  • painkiller

vampire vs garlic

Besides food and health, garlic is a staple of the myth world as well. Most notably, garlic is “known” to ward off vampires, but it has similar effects against witches, werewolves, demons, and other evil spirits. According to ancient folklore, garlic grew from the left footprint of Satan, beginning in the Garden of Eden. Roman soldiers believed that consuming garlic would give them courage as they entered battle. To this day, if you dream about garlic, it is supposed to mean good luck is coming your way!

Garlic Bread

Hey kids, roast some garlic, eat some garlic bread, and I’ll see you Monday, when it’s time to celebrate…