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Time To Celebrate...National Cheese Lover's Day – The Delightful Laugh

Time To Celebrate…National Cheese Lover’s Day

Good Morning Jamokes, it’s Monday January 20, 2020!

As it is every January 20th, today is National Cheese Lover’s Day!

chese board

Cheese—what a magical food! It can be a main meal, an accessory, or a snack, but it’s great all the same. The variety of flavors, from hard, sharp cheeses, to soft, spreadable cheeses, is truly something special. I’m sure I’m not saying anything different than I said back on National Cheese Day, or any of the other cheese-related days, but it all rings true. Hell, I’ve seen people who are lactose-intolerant, who will just throw caution to the wind, say “fuck it,” and crush some Gouda. Cheese is truly fucking awesome.

cheese encrusted grilled cheese

Hey kids, hammer some cheese, and I’ll see you tomorrow, when it’s time to celebrate…